If the inlett is accurate you can bed one their finished stocks by roughing up the interior and bedding with your favorite bedding compound. I have done about a dozen of the boyds and had to send one back when the screw holes were off enough they could not be corrected without a bunch of work. The actual finish is very nice and I would gladly pay $100 extra to avoid all of the sanding and finish work.

On the other hand I find a bunch of the boyd stocks to be kind of "clubby", particularly the JRS. For my stocks I put them on a diet with a rasp and slim out the forend, wrist and buttstock quite a bit, this will cut the weight by about 6-8oz and might fit someone with smaller hands much better.

Hunt hard, kill clean, waste nothing and offer no apologies.

"In rifle work, group size is of some interest...but it is well to remember that a rifleman does not shoot groups, he shoots shots." Jeff Cooper