Well after two pitchers of beer and a few more frosty treats at home, I started thinking about deer hunting. Seems to me I've been thinking about it a lot the last few weeks. Not sure why.

It probably doesn't help that I saw two velvet racked beauties on the way home from a semi successful muskie fishing trip last night. Two pigs I tell ya two pigs and they still have some growing to do.

So anyways, I'm watching the Brewers and drinking...because it seemed like the thing to do at the time and was thinking about sugar plums and big bucks dancing in my head. I said to myself...self (thats me), when was the last time you sharpened your 2000 hunting knives that you can't seem to pass up everytime your in the sporting goods store.

So down the basement I go and sharpen away. Now it just doesn't sound like they are sharp so I run my thumb across the one I just finished. I'm pretty numb from all the beer so I really can't feel if it's sharp or not, but the blood comming from my finger says it is, so I move on to the next.

Well, 2000 Buck Knives later they are all sharp. So know my question is... What the hell am I going to sharpen the last week of October? This is a real issue here boys and girls. It is tradition that I sharpen those babies the week before the MN season. At this rate all I'm gonna have left is a handle. I gotta buy another knife or something.

There is still 3 1/2 months to go.

Man I got it bad.


Camp is where you make it.