The same areas can also be good for deer. In the 3rd season I would include the southern half of Illes Grove which is just off CO13. Hunt the back end farthest from the parking lot. This is a very popular area because of easy access and there will be lots of company. Another area is the Monument Butte State Trust section off the Yellowjacket Pass road particularly the southern third. I believe deer tags also include Unit 23, Oak Ridge STL east of Meeker can be good for elk and deer in the third season, a lot depends on the amount of snow the high country has received.

Yellowjacket Pass area is a small bit of BLM land, but it offers a way to access the western side of the National Forest.

Last edited by Prwlr; 08/22/08.


A person who asks a question is a fool for 5 minutes the person who never asks is a fool forever.

The worst slaves are those that put the chains on themselves.