In the future show us pictures of your hide and skull.....

Pictures of the hide? I can do that.

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Isn't my brother quite the grizzly killer?
Pretty cool to see the results of a dream come true.
We had chatted over the years about the chances of getting him onto a good male and he had put enough effort into it that he's paid his dues I think.
To get him to come up and be in the right place at the right time and take home what has got to be the most incredible animal in North America is a dream come true for me too.
I was talking to my pal the other day about grizzly bears and mentioned to him that as much as I'd like to have a 200 point mule deer buck or a 390 point bull elk in my scope one thing sets them apart from a big male grizzly.
Both the buck and bull might be the baddest in the mountains but they will both bolt as soon as they know your onto them. One of these big bears will too but if he is not quite sure what you are he is curious enough to see what you might taste like.
That is what keeps me stoked to hunt grizzlies. I like the thought that you are matching wits with an animal that truely is the king of the tundra.
Nothing like it if you ask me.

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