I only really have one(for me). Over 20 years ago, I used to provide �convoy� security for some trucks full of machineguns. When I did, I was heavily armed, but I always wore a PPK tucked inside my pants.

Well one day I went over to my girlfriends house and stayed the night (no hanky panky, we slept). I got up the next morning and forgot the PPK at her house. She brought it with her to work, to give to me at lunch. She worked at a Christian school and decided to unload it before going into work. She slipped the magazine out and figure all was well. She knew that whenever I clear a gun, I usually dry fire it, so she pointed the gun at the floorboard and pulled the trigger. BOOM!

Right through the floorboard and took out her front tire; even put a healthy dent in the steel wheel of her car. My bad!!

But the best was when a co-worker and I were working �halls and walls� as an extension of the protection detail for Governor Pete Wilson. We were brought in to provide perimeter security for a big event at the Sacramento Community center. We were walking the halls and he had to use the restroom, and so did I. He walked into the stall while I walked up to the urinal. Before I even started, I hear a ker-plunk-splah. You guessed it, his brand new pistol went right into the porcelain price.