I destroyed my back in September 2001. Spent 4 1/2 years fighting Oregon workers comp. been to all kinds of doctors and they all sat the same thing, not a candidate for surgery and there is no help or hope. I have chronic pain, 24/7/52.

That said there is hope for those of us who have to live this way. Keep your mind busy and do not let pain ruin your life. I take no pain medications, not even over-the-counter.

Look at it this way; if you break the first rule of carpentry (NEVER hit the pink nail) Where does it hurt. Hint: it is not your thumb. It is in your head. Now find that place in your brain and turn the switch off.

Hope it is a temporary thing for you but this may help until you get real relief. It has worked for me for years. If we were to spend a day together you may not know I was ever hurt and live in pain because I have tuned it out, turned the switch off and most days do am non conscience of the pain myself. It can work that well.

The first time I shot myself in the head...

Meniere's Sucks Big Time!!!