down to a ford or a chevy. I know i am gona git some flack for this. but i bet if we threw a cover over a chevy ford and a dodge and let you look under them. you would not buy a ford or a chevy. built ford tough poohy its all propaganda . my information is a few years old but ford owns or owned 70% of commins. why wont they put a commins diesal in there trucks. they wont build a 3/4 or one ton truck with a frame, trans a rear axle or a front axle that will take what that engine will dish tried a commins in 1989 for a year ford could not make it work without neutering it. a commins diesal has 1/2 the moving parts of a chevy or ford diesal. commins derates the engine 60% for dodge before it will put them in a truck. from the commins factory that engine is 300+ horse and 800+ foot pound of torque. one more tid bit .a commins is or was certified to pass emision tests to 185.000 and not need a rebuild to 500.000. from commins. but the decision is yours. i have friend that have chevys and fords. they seem happy, on the outside.LOL O one other thing look in your local paper. look at the trucks for sale count the number of chevys fords and dodges. It always looked to me like there is alot of happy dodge owners. just a humble opine

"Never leave,em stock,baby." Tim Allen