Wait a minute you are splitting hunters in your idea of a club. Lets not be a hypocrit.

I do agree that the only records should be fair chase. High fence is to me not hunting I don't care how much land you have. I think a catagory of unguided and guided would be good. As for public or private land I don't see the point in that.

As for my idea its not splitting hunters. Its getting back to archery. At what point do we say this isn't what it was intended to be. Such as in-line muzzle loaders. Sorry but it was started as muzzle load "primitive weapons" such as a Hawkins or Kentucky rifle. These muzzle loading rifles on the market today strech far beyond a primitive weapon. I am sorry but a release makes a crappy finger shooter and ok archer. To prove my point take the best finger target archer out there and put him up against a top ranked release shooter and he doesn't stand a chance.

Eat Fish, Wear Grundens, Drink Alaskan.