Yeah, a fishing guide license will solve everything... NOT!

It already takes a:
USCG license to run a boat
TWIC card
State Business License
Local business License
ADF&G fishing guide business license
ADF&G fishing guide license
Transporter License for big game hunters
Fed land use permit
Federal license to take duck hunters

I am sure I am forgetting some...

Without any consideration for all the required stuff that goes with all those licenses... And the ones that have been dropped in the last ten years or so I see a clear case where adding an Occupational license requirement to that will fix everything! Yeah, let's regulate this industry right into World Peace and Prosperity! How did we miss this obvious route for so long?

I'll give you a clue... We do not need more licenses. We do not need more IPHC Thieves ignoring the law. We do not need the Guide Board putting it to Alaskans for the sake of the guides.

Take the non-resident guide requirement out and make everyone pull a tag on equal ground... Perhaps with a cap on non-residents if the resource needs it... and let the chips fall where they may on guide numbers.

The saftey claims are bogus. The Guide Stewardship claims are bogus as history has proven. The courts (AK Supreme Court) have said the exclusive guide areas are unconstitutional. That should be enough to stop the feds from doing what they do.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.