Since you're ignoring me, I'm sure you won't read this. But why don't you watch 60 minutes tonight and catch Gen. Zinni's interview. You remember him, he was probably your Commander in Chief when you were in Iraq. Funny, he didn't read the same intelligence you did. Guess he got it all wrong. He obviously doesn't have the grasp of the military mind and the situation in Iraq like you do.

Here's a particularly relevant couple of paragraphs:

"Look, there is one statement that bothers me more than anything else. And that's the idea that when the troops are in combat, everybody has to shut up. Imagine if we put troops in combat with a faulty rifle, and that rifle was malfunctioning, and troops were dying as a result" says Zinni.

"I can't think anyone would allow that to happen, that would not speak up. Well, what's the difference between a faulty plan and strategy that's getting just as many troops killed? It's leading down a path where we're not succeeding and accomplishing the missions we've set out to do."