I guess it depends on where your sitting as to CFR vs. push feed..If you sitting on the couch in your gun store, a pushfeed is good, if you looking at a Lion comeing in its bad.

I have been in safari camps year after year for extended stays, and hunted or observed hunters using both types, and push feeds fail regularly and CFRs on extremely rare ocassions, and those ocassions are man caused by tinkering such as cutting the extractors so you can drop a round in the chamber and close it, and that is a accident waiting to happen, they break...

The main problem is when one is running and tries to jack a round in a push feed Ruger, Remington or Winchester, it often falls out in the process, and they close the bolt on a empty chamber, and that is the loudest SNAP in the world when you jump your hurt and mad buffalo the second time.

Granted, A CFR rifle should be pre tested and functioning properly, that goes without saying with ANY rifle, but a push feed is a design flaw IMO that cannot be cured.

I have no problem with what someone else hunts with, but I do have a problem with some of the reasoning in defence of the pushfeed rifle, I know that is not a truism....I am talking about the use of DGRs only as I assume its argueablebly less important on a deer, target, varmint, or plainsgame rifle. However, I have chosen to own CFR, Mausers and pre 64 M-70s for the most part for most of my hunting.

I like the Rem 700s, especially the Mt. Rifle, they are superbly accurate rifles out of the box, but I would not choose a 700 or any pushfeed, for a big bore to use on dangerous animals. In todays hunting you have a PH to clean up behind your mistakes so in the end, its a moot point I suspect.