The problem I see with hunting shows is not really a mystery. A good story well told, is always good. Same with writing. The hunting shows I have seen lack a good story and the story is poorly told. I did see a show where Craig Boddington was in Africa and I enjoyed it. I don't remember the name, though.

So why is it that everyone assumes that all hunting in Texas is done from blinds over feeders? I grew up hunting some big ranches and the standard practice was to use a sling to chunk rocks down in the headers and arroyos and shoot the deer when they ran out.

Our ranch is not high fenced but I have a Dr. neighbor that has a small place fenced. Oddly enough they don't hunt much, but they must have one of the largest herds of Scimtar Horned Oryx in the world. Maybe fifty animals and the bulls are HUGE. I mean old age, dying of old age, grizzled old crooked horn mossy backs. Beautiful animals an almost pure white coat with a golden tint. One of those old guys hunted fairly on his own turf would make one of the best trophies I can imagine. Problem is these are just semi-tame, not huntable at all.

Oh well.


No words of mine can hope to convey to you the ringing joy and hope embodied in that spontaneous yell: �The Americans are coming; at last they are coming!�

I hadn�t the heart to disillusion them.

John "Pondoro" Taylor
Africa 1955