My only question is how in the world he could have made those incredible shots with rifles that couldn't shoot a 150 gr TSX?

Things that make you go hmmmmm....


Seriously though, there can be no doubt that Hemingway was a brilliant author and lived in the golden age of safari hunting. There is debate over his truthfulness when it came to his shots, but I for one have to read Green Hills of Africa every year. I love it.

The bottom line is the poor SOB was a nihlist. He didn't have anything to hope for and his literature communicates it. He didn't have anything in life but what he could squeeze from the people and drugs closest to him, and when he came to the end of his rope he realized it couldn't go on. He was without hope in the world, and undoubtedly left those around him without hope, but he was in a bad spot himself none the less.

I respect his intellectual honesty... I've had my struggles with drugs, alcohol, and using people and it is a dark place to be. There but by the grace of God go I... if I'd have not been brought out of that kicking and screaming I'd have wished for the courage to kill myself too.

All of that having been said, he still was an SOB.