You know really climate changes all the time, the last big change that can be documented started in the tenth century, the Earth cooled to the point that Greenland became uninhabitable for the people of the time, Chimineys were developed for heating crops that had formerly grown in England like soft grains and grapes stopped growing, this was known as the mini ice age it continued until the mid 1800's. while temps have been documented since about 1850 prior to that all we have are letters and notations in diaries and journels, like from the Virginia colonies from 1650 mentioning snow drifts above the eves of houses and measurments of fifteen to sixteen feet. In Virginia?!!!
The misreported shrinking polar ice has been blamed on a "glitch in a sattalite, in reality the ice shelf has increased in size since 1979 by the size of California and the poor polar bears supposedly on the verge of extinction has increased in numbers five times since 1980 to over 25,000. I have studied the global warming "science" it is a theory latched on to by fear mongers, yes some weather has changed slightly due to sun spot activity, over the next decade or so the earth is going to be feeling some colder winters because the sunpots have slacked off ( they tend to do that)
I for one will not stop eatting beef or pork or chicken because of the methane they produce, I will not stop useing fossel suel unless/until somthing cheaper comes along. In short I do not buy the Global warming theory, It can be explained as NATURE she is fickle and changes all the time!

Declaration of Independance, in ENGLISH
U.S. Constitution, in ENGLISH
U.S. Bill of Rights, in ENGLISH
If you cannot or don't want to learn ENGLISH, go back to the third world cesspool you came from