I dont know nothing about nothing in terms of African game, or even big game beyond deer. However, i have fired slugs and buck enough to have formed some opinions.

at very close range, buckshot IMO is devastating to thin skinned game, but, again IMO, with the average set-up, even 50 yards is really pushing the envelope.

While th ebore size of a slug is CRAZY overkill for deer, I think a lot of projectiles have been designed primarily with thin skinned (deer) in mind. The brenekke solids (maybe sabots too, I am not sure) seem to be an exception, among possibly others.

Obviously this post is basically redundant, and you can file it in the "yeah everyone knows that" file. A recent experience this saturday prompted me to post. Below...

I hunt mostly ML now, but when I use shotgun its either brenneke full bore or remington copper solids, since I get good-enough accuracy (relative) and excellent results with them. I witnessed someone shoot a 101 pound deer quartering towards, in the shoulder with a 12g remington copper solid. It hit the front shoulder and exited about 2 or 3" later on the same shoulder. BLew out a baseball sized hole. 70 yards. Deer fell but was most certainly not down and out. Just a huge urface wound. NOT the performance you expect in the least form a big hunk of solid copper. (Though it was the first time I havent had terrific results with one.)

OK, so the point of my post is, IMO (and IME?) I'd think LONG and HARD about which projectile you use when considering a 12g on any game larger and tougher than a deer.

Originally Posted by Archerhunter

Quit giving in inch by inch then looking back to lament the mile behind ya and wonder how to preserve those few feet left in front of ya. They'll never stop until they're stopped. That's a fact.