Hey jim62,

I'm a big fan of the Dednutz mounts. I go with them or Talley LW's on everything. The lows between the Talley and Dednutz are about the same height. The Dednutz are about an ounce heavier. They are very well built, thick, strong, and lightweight. They may appear a little to thick for some folks...you can see how thick the rings are on from the pics.

The alignment to the rifle has been great on every set of Dednutz mounts I've used. I've used them on several M7's, 2 long action M700's, 2 long action M70's, and one short action 700. The short action 700 has 20 MOA built in...I think it's the best deal going on a LR mount.

The scope tube fit is great. I play musical scopes to often. Tally's often leave a little mark on the tube. I've not seen any marks at all from the Dednutz.

I've not lapped any of the Dednutz. I don't lap Tally's either. One thing I've noticed when mounting a scope with Tally mounts is that when tightening the scope it will often turn a little so it's no longer level. The Dednutz don't seem to do this.

Hope this helps,