I've got a fence project fixing to start at the house.......

I'm going to build a few brick columns about 5 ft high/12 in square. I'm going to put a piece of rebar inside the column, buried in the footing with the idea of filling the center of the column with concrete when finished. Question #1-how deep/big does my footing for the columns need to be? Does there need to be more rebar/screen, etc down in the footing for strength?

Next, I'm going to have a app 2ft high wall in between the columns connecting them together. I was going to stack 2 4"w x 8"t x16"l hollow concrete blocks on top of each other in between the columns. Next I am going to use some leftover rock veneer to plaster in place along this 16" high wall. Qestion #2-what size footing needed for this? Does it need rebar/steel screen, etc for strength?

Thanks for the help.

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