My partner and I were having a lukewarm Tiger Piss in a bar in Dalat when we met a guy with very empty eyes, a rather thick German accent (still) who spoke French to the Viets who ran the joint. Conversation turned up he was an old Legionairre who was currently one of the managers of a Michelin rubber plantation. Apparently after WWll he was one of those guys who was offered a career in the Legion or a firing squad. Something to do with the blood group tattoo under his left arm. Pics of the Legion in Indochina and those of the Provincial Paratroopers show many Mat49's and Mas rifles. Chatellerault (sp?) LMG's were much in evidence too.

Last edited by EvilTwin; 05/20/10.

Be afraid,be VERY VERY afraid
ad triarios redisse
My Buddy eh76 speaks authentic Frontier Gibberish!
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