I am with friend Stick on this Claude Dallas deal. Obviously I don't know diddly about the case save what I read in various articles at the time and here and now.

He has done the time that a jury gave him. Let him go and see what happens next I guess.

I'd say something was wrong somewhere if the DA or prosecuting attorney or what ever the call them up there had two dead game wardens, the man that did it, and could not/would not run him for capital murder. I don' t know what it was but something. There was a jury trial so it wasn't a plea bargin.

I have lived long enough in this old world to know and have known cases first hand where there is trouble between two men that no law, or arbitration or what ever will settle. Either one will have to leave the country or there will be a killing sooner or later.

This may have been one of those cases.