A friend showed me this web site the other day. He has a windows based system and got an excellent live feed. I have a mac computer and all I get is stills (cause I`m too dumb to download what ever it is a mac needs to get the live streaming feature)
Anyway, if you Google Teens4oceans you can get amazing live video from a camera they have in 20 feet of water under the Bahia Honda bridge in the Keys. On tuesday there were a bunch of Tarpon and some Snook milling around there along with Hogfish and Snappers. I suppose the stage of the tide would be a factor re: whats there and water clarity but , it was better entertainment ,for me, than the live feed from the cam in front of Sloppy Joe`s on Duval Street.


PS not a Dolphin in the bunch

Last edited by 3589; 07/16/10.