I like the double sets at the range, I'm not as fond of them when I'm hunting. I still hunt and that slows me down a lot. The "set" on my rifle is pretty good, but unset it is pretty nasty, 8 to 12 pounds I'd guess. I'd worked over the single trigger on my Big Boar so it was pretty decent, 2-1/2 pounds maybe, and smooth. I don't know if the double set is throwing me off or if I'm just getting more careful, but I can't get this double set's mechanism "nice" in the unset mode.

One other thing I preferred on the single trigger gun was the trigger guard. The old single trigger renegade and the "big boar" had a pretty smooth trigger guard. The double set trigger rifle has weird hooks 'n' such sticking out which are ok at the bench but snag a lot of stuff in the field. I'd like simpler and more focus on function, less on frippery.

Holy cats, man, that's a lot of money ... about double what I paid for mine.


Anyone who thinks there's two sides to everything hasn't met a M�bius strip.

Here be dragons ...