As always, it will boil down to Cops story against Community Residents Story!

What they've already said says pretty much to me.

Of course as long as the authority's can keep it hushed up you won't get very much more of it.

But it seems pretty much clear that the dog that was shot was well thought of and was a regular of the park.

In the Quail Run community of townhomes, a number of residents have dogs that they walk to the community dog park. Neighbors say the park is generally an easygoing place where well-mannered dogs play with one another.

Bear-Bear was a regular there.

Tarnna Hernandez saw Bear-Bear all the time. She lives two doors down from the Rettaliatas and Bear-Bear plays with her children and Marshmallow, her year-and-a-half-old Dalmatian/Australian shepherd mix.

"I've never personally seen him be aggressive toward any dog or human or anything, for that matter," Hernandez said. "My two very young children love Bear-Bear and would attack him every time they saw him with hugs and love."

She can't believe Bear-Bear would ever do anything to deserve being shot.

"I have not seen that dog hurt anyone. Or snarl. He's never even barked," she said. "His only way was to get out a gun out and shoot him? Uh-uh. It's completely unbelievable."

Dorothy Pearce, the homeowner's association manager, was appalled that someone would fire a gun in the community dog park � at dinnertime.

"This is tragic," she said. "A community of homeowners with children playing around should not have gun-crazy, off-duty policemen shooting in their area, especially a dog in a controllable situation."

Rettaliata said that after the officer shot Bear-Bear, the dog didn't yelp or cry, just lay down in the grass, bleeding heavily. "He just went and laid down," she said. "I just can't get over it and I don't think it's being taken seriously because it was an animal involved."

Carolyn Kilborn, chairwoman of the organization Maryland Votes for Animals, based in nearby Annapolis, thought the authorities should be investigating the case thoroughly.

"The killing of the dog in Severn is a sad situation that should be investigated carefully to determine if the incident was caused by a dangerous dog or a dangerous person," she said.

What do you guy's that are so anxious to jump on the poor cop bandwagon know other than if there's no investigation the cop must be righteous!

[bleep] how many times have I heard that!
