Well, they were made in Japan. but there is nothing mystical or magical about them.

The obvious difference is that they have straight front ojectives so, less light gathering compared to any 32mm-40mm front bell 4x rimfire scope.. On the other hand they are more trim and compact looking. I guess if a good price is less than $30-40. have at it.

One reality is that $30 spent today with the Chinese building a 4x rimfire scope goes further than $50 did 10-15 years ago with the Japanese.

The Japs built some pretty crappy low end "Spec" scopes in there day- they all certainly were not jewels..I think you may find if you are honest with yourself, that a new 4x Chinese made Bushnell, Simmons or Tasco 1" .22 rimfire scope is optically better than that older Bushnell.

Also if you keep the purchase recipt, the new scope will have a valid warrantee. With all the recent changes at Bushnell with regars to how they handle warrantee repairs, I doubt the old scope be backed by them.

Just some food for thought.

To all gunmaker critics-
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena.."- Teddy Roosevelt