
Are you under gunned? You would probably have better luck catching snipe with a sack than hunting rabbits in my part of KS anymore. We shot tons of them in the 50's and sold them for $.25 a piece. Most were shot with .22 shorts (.25 per box vs .40 for LR's). We never hunted them until after the first hard freeze, and always washed our hands with rubbing alcohol after gutting them for sale. Two families that I knew, crated them gutted in the fur, and shipped them to New Orleans by rail. I think that they got about $1 each.

I had an older uncle that coon hunted with dogs all of his life. After he was too old to walk for coon in the night, he got beagles and hunted rabbits with a shotgun. If we still had rabbits, I would probably have beagles now. Life is good.

Last edited by croldfort; 09/10/10.