Originally Posted by mountainclmbr
I don't know why I would not get a gun back. It seems it is a strong arm tactic to reduce crime reports. They always seem to report crime is going down, but I doubt it. I checked with other LEO and they confirmed it was general policy for city and county where I lived (Brevard County, FL). I also had a rifle and another pistol, but I quickly realized I should not mention them and may need tto quickly hide them. I was told any gun at the scene would be confiscated.

I don't understand this stuff. I thought Florida had one of the better castle laws. Sounds like being victimized twice, first the home invasion then having your property confiscated by the police.

If a shot were fired, I can see the police picking up a firearm in connection with the investigation, but if the homeowner is found to have committed no crime, it should be returned in due course.

I have the naive belief that a normal decent law-abiding citizen should be able to live his life without navigating a legal minefield, and having to have one or more attorneys on retainer.


Stupidity has its way, while its cousin, evil, runs rampant.