Originally Posted by Calvin
She's bought and paid for.. We had our chance to get rid of her. That stings a little.

Yup!! Inneresting tho. THe native corps. donated something like 1.4 million to her campaign because they knew the Dim was a loser and they wouldn't continue getting their goodies from Uncle Sugar if Miller was elected. Therefore, the princess was the logical choice. Hum!! They had 1.4 million clams to donate but their villages still look like the slums of New York.
BTW, there's a front page article in the News Miner today about the princesse's vote on "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" where she makes a statement to the affect that she's NOT a RINO and won't necessarily vote the "Osama line". SURE, YEAH, RIGHT!!! Haven't read the article all the way thru yet tho.
Yeah, I'm sure we're stuck with her for eternity now.
Boys, we've been had.
Bear in Fairbanks

"Unless you're the lead dog, the scenery never changes."
Amazingly, I've lived long enough to see a President who is worse than Carter.
And finally,
Gun control means using two hands.