Once you get to know your bow's trajectory as an instinctive shooter the poundage difference is a moot point. Your hand eye coordination will take over. If you are shooting longer distances poundage helps, but at normal hunting ranges 45-55 pounds will work very well and has for a long time.

And just because it is "a Black Widow" does not make the shooter any better than if they owned another well made bow. Black Widows are good bows but others are just as good, some even better. Get to know some other well made brands and try them before you make the leap on a full custom bow. The advise to get a good used bow first is good advice.
There are many well made bows out there. Some, such as Howard Hill and Byron Fergusson (SP), believed/believe that recurves are inferior to longbows when it comes to pure instinctive accuracy. Practice is the key. Get to know your weapon and learn to use it in many different situations. Shoot from treestands, on your knees, off a stool, "stump shoot", try moving targets and small game. Once you get your confidence with your setup there is very little one hunter can do with a compound that another cannot do with a stickbow in actual hunting situations. And in some situations such as thick cover, moving game, shooting around objects, and still hunting they are better.

Nothing is fool proof for a sufficiently talented fool !!

"Keep your booger hook off the bang switch until your sights are on the target".