GMOATS - "Someone earlier mentioned that the muzzle can hit the arms on chairs when you sit down and unseat the handgun from the holster."

That was I who mentioned it first, I believe.

When I was at Gunsite many years ago (April, 1981), the first morning of classes, Jeff Cooper came in wearing his Colt Govt. Model in a Yaqui Slide. I asked him about it and he explained to us in the class the advantages and disadvntages of it. He said then that when sitting down in a chair with arms, the wearer had to be careful to not let the muzzle hit the arm as it could dislodge the pistol.

At times, depending on circumstances, I still use the one I bought from Milt Sparks long ago... but I damned sure am careful when I sit down in a chair with arms.


"Always go straight forward, and if you meet the devil, cut him in two and go between the pieces." (William Sturgis, clipper ship captain, 1830s.)