
Everyone is interested. LOL!

To reply directly to your question...

Say you own a onion farm operation. It's a business. You grow onions that don't make people shed tears when people cut them open. "Tearless onions, Shed One Tear Or Get Your Money Back!" You can also accept credit cards if people want to buy them. Say you're a sportsman that has several guns. You need a few to keep the crows at bay anyway. You got some in trade for your onions, received a couple as a present, bought some yourself and also inherited some from your dad and grandpa. You have a fair collection. Say the day comes along and you feel like selling one of your personal guns. To make it easier for some buyers who may not have cash-in-hand at the moment, you offer to accept credit cards.

Do you get it?

By the way, I don't read my own post much. Takes too much time tracking it down, hence I wrote: "If you have any questions, please PM me..."

Here's what I do: I pop in, look too see if there's that flashing flag by the "My Stuff" button that indicates a message, and if not, I move on.



P.S. "Hey 338Federal, I'm still WAITING to hear from you."