Its the Holy Grail of Big Game Hunting to be sure, Jack O'Connor wrote so much about it that it has been a goal of American Hunters for two of three generations now. It was always something for the well healed. Not that a person of Modest means couldn't if he was lucking enough with a Desert Big Horn Draw. The Dall is the easiest one to get because they are More of them around. Stone becomes expensive because there are fewer of them and in fewer places to hunt them. Big horn well they are around but not in numbers so its pricey too. Then there is the Desert Big Horn, Old Jack hunted his in AZ and Northern Mexico. Drawing for AZ may take years if you ever draw one, Northern Mexico has some issues going on down there than causes one to really think it out before going. Yes its a worth while goal, but you are going to be working for and thinking about nothing else for a couple of decades. Best to start in your 20's by the time you hit mid 50's for most flat landers it becomes hacking it physically. I couldn't do it now. Never mind the money.

Last edited by gmsemel; 03/20/11.

"Any idiot can face a crisis,it's the day-to-day living that wears you out."

Anton Chekhov