Tying the newly-designated "Aztec Iliaska Sockeye John" got me to wondering.
The fly has a ribbon of combed yarn reaching from front to rear. Individual fibers are weak, and these aren't tied down but front and back-- I doubt that the fly will look as sleek after a couple of takes.

Q- To you, how many caught fish equal the value of a fly?

That is- under normal trout/bass/etc conditions, with an average fly? (vs a $50,000 guided trip to the Bahamas, with only a single fly, and that the last surviving specimen tied by Dame Juliana Berners during a visit with Izaak Walton)
A fly whose point is broken on its first backcast draws a curse at the loss and the effort to re-rig (and at your casting skill). One that you tied on in the morning and is still working as the sun sets on a 100-fish day is an absolute treasure.

Our 'Fire-panion, 1minute, might not answer, as he honorably retires a fly after one fish. He may as well tie his out of toilet paper and Elmer's glue. But what about the rest of you?

Campfire Pistolero x2

Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else. -Ambassador Delenn, Babylon 5