Originally Posted by hunter1960
It's interesting that you senior citizens, don't like the ways of today, but you sure love the devices such as computers, cellphones, and other high-tech items etc.

That along with high-tech medical procedures and medicines that keep the majority of you alive daily. You need to be thankful for a medical scientist/doctor, that had the desire to develope a new drug or procedure, that was above how they did it in the good old days, as you claim.

The majority of you talk the talk, but wouldn't go back to a more physical or lower standard of living. Stop taking your meds, you can go back to those days. You enjoy the push-button lifestyle, that we have in todays times. The past isn't returning, it never has. We have to move forward in technology, science, etc.

This has to be the stupidest post I've seen in some time.

And that's saying something.

No one said anything about doing away with technology. The point was, the younger generation always thinks they collectively invented "it," whatever it happens to be. And they didn't.

The other point being, the younger generation can always learn from the older generation. If they'd just pull their heads outta their collective asses long enough.

Here's a good example. People always wanna talk about a "SHTF" scenario, and what they'd do if the "SHTF."

Truth is, by depending on schit like cell phones and modern medicine, we've put ourselves over a barrel because if/when all the infrastructure collapses in a "SHTF" scenario and that modern schit stops working, people who depend on it will be up the proverbial creek.

And the people who'll be best off are the Amish, and all the others that don't depend on all this modern crap. The people who still know how to do things without modern technology, like the old lady in TLee's post.

Anyway, excellent post, T.

A wise man is frequently humbled.