CBS is the mainstream portal pushing this, and pushing it relentlessly.

But it's also been featured repeatedly on Rush, on Laura Ingram, and others. Just got talked about briefly on Beck, and I'm guessing he'll run with it once he looks into it.

House of Representatives has 4 investigators working full time on it, and Issa has started towards having congressional hearings on it with subpoena'd parties testifying under oath.

Even the Senate is getting into it, between the Republicans and the anti-gun democrats there's a lot of folks there ticked off.

And all of this has occurred over 6 weeks, and all you do is keep saying it's going to go away. I don't know why you would or why you hope it will, but keep on. Or, if you don't have a reason for wanting it to go away, why don't YOU go away. Find something that you're passionate about besides cyber stalking and get involved with the world. Make a difference, instead of being an indifferent pain.