Last vet visit he was 60 LBS, right now he is a bit less as I have been running him hard.......need to beef him up a bit soon, heading to the GSP NSS in May.
Very familiar with those dogs, I know Keith and Robbi - via internet dog stuff and have spoken to them.
It's a pipe-dream maybe.....but I hope to do something this year at the NSS with Jesse -he has already beaten the female who got BOS (second place over-all) and the female who got Winners Bitch in shows. Then next summer I may send him to Robbi to work & run in the NFT at Eureka. I just don't have the means to ready him for that level here at home. (I live in town, no land, no quad, no horses & cannot keep birds here)
My dream is to have him at least place in both, like I said, maybe a pipe-dream, but you don't can't win if you don't play!!
He's a nice boy, won against some VERY nice dogs in derby much older than him, stuff out of Tonellis Rising Sun & Hoosiers Rev it Up, he may not finish his FC this year, but he will dual.

Be the type of woman that when you wake up each morning and put your feet on the floor the Devil says -
"Oh Crap, She's Up!"