I am sure that liberal useage of Obenaufs will help but the problem is there is simply an open (small no doubt) path for water to enter the boot at the bottom corners of the tongue. Their literature states that a trimple vamp boot should be waterproof so I am hoping that they can del

Here are their comments regarding their double vamp boot construction: "The main reason for a double vamp is to keep out water. No moccasin leather boot does a better job of this than Russell. Silicone treatments fall far short because a needle hole is still a hole � and water will get through. Russell�s double vamp construction blocks water passage through all needle holes and seams."

And here they discuss the further benefits of their triple vamp construction (all of the boots they have made me are from the triple vamp method): "The cut away Triple Vamp clearly illustrates the foot surrounded by three layers of leather with no two seams facing one another. Water penetration is completely blocked. Before the outer molded sole is sewn on a rubber or leather midsole is attached but the stitching to attach it is blocked by the smooth inner vamp. Various outersoles (depending upon the style) are then attached."

They talk as if they have faith that due to the nature of their construction methods their boots should not leak. I am still waiting and hoping to find that a reality. I know water can eventually saturate leather, especially if untreated, but that is not the issue I have been dealing with.