I remember the days when a country was at war, it meant killing the enemy, not arresting them and reading their Meranda rights. Wacking OBL is probably the only positive thing that we will get out of this administration.
I think many are somewhat confused by the blatant hypocracy this administration has shown, by going after waterboarders, and others who have hurt the feelings of our enemies while doing their jobs for America. Just because some have become a custom to the PC/pussification and apologetic BS of our govt, doesnt mean when something happens that doesnt jive with the way they normally do things, that its wrong. But IMO, this was done without obamas knowledge. He just took credit for it after the fact to take advantage of the ratings boost.
Does anyone really think an anti-American, socialist, community organizer has the balls to do this without it turning into an un-organized cluster f#@! of compassion, bowing, hand kissing, and buying permission from the UN?