Originally Posted by ConradCA

I can give you one positive effect of the Patriot act. The terrorists have never been able to repeat their 9/11 or do anything of that magniture again.

We are at war with the terrorists and during wartime the security of the country is paramount. It has been that way during just about every war that we have fought and this one is not different.

The patriot act allows us to fight the terrorists. Without it we would not have a chance to defeat them. That has allowed us to inflict numerous defeats on them and kill a lot of them including Obama bin Laden.

Tell me what you dislike about this law and be specific.


What I don't like about this law is the infringement on the Fourth Amendment. I don't know what is so difficult to understand about that. You say you worry about a fascist state? Why give the fascist state the ability to bypass one of our fundamental liberties?

How long is this "war" going to last? Is it a permanent state of war, or will there be an end? Will it be when ALL the Muslims are dead? Give me an exit date? Hard to give an exit date on a war against a tactic.

The problem is the expansion of the definition of what a terrorist is. According to this administration, anyone who served in the military, is a gun owner, doesn't like the government, and voted for anyone but a Democrat is a possible terrorist. Using those definitions, anyone here could be subject to the PA. Just because no one that we know personally has not been, doesn't mean that it won't happen.

Those who would give up liberty in the name of security, deserve neither, and will likely get tyranny instead.

If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks..., will deprive the People of all their Property,...Thomas Jefferson