I have degenerative disc disease which has caused sciatica problems for the last 14 years. It has rarely been to the point of total numbness however, but the pain has been excruciating, especially the last 3-4 years. At this point, surgery is the only answer for me.
What I can give you from all these years-

Inactivity is NOT a good idea. Continue with light stretching exercises- hamstrings, buttocks, abdomen, thighs etc as tolerable.
Heating blankets/pads, warm soaks etc may feel good, but will hurt your healing and pain more than help. Ice pads/ packs on your lower back are your friend; not to exceed 15 minutes. Any longer will cause your body to send more blood to the iced area (hypothermic reaction), which negates the value of the ice pack's reduction in swelling and pain.

Chiropractors may do more harm than good for your condition. Some people have great experiences, but I'm of the mindset that one wrong adjustment from a bonecracker and you're screwed.
I understand your financial situation, but the fact you are experiencing numbness (which is much more serious than standard sciatic pain), you need to see a good spinal/neurological specialist, ASAP. As stated in a previous post, a Medrol (steroidal, usually prednisone) dose-pack will probably be prescribed, and may put you on the mend just fine. Be careful withe NSAID's like Advil (ibuprofen) and Aleve (naproxen sodium). Both can and will do gastro and/or renal damage if taken in too large of doses or for too long a period of time.
Hope you feel better- I know all too well how this goes and how it affects your life.