Do you mind sharing what bullet you use in your Swift?
Every time I shoot my Swift I get lots of expansion and I think that would limit penetration on a bear wouldn't it?
Minnesota recently changed the law to allow .22 centerfire on big game. That includes bear and presumably moose although they used to suggest a .280 Remington as a sensible minimum IIRC.
Our bears are a little bashful about coming out in the open unless it is after dark. A flat shooting bear rifle isn't really needed in the woods where we hunt them. We normally bait them and sit in a tree stand. I have heard of guys hunting an oats field and that is where the Swift might work out for me. If they have their head down eating nobody would even know they were there.

I like to do my hunting BEFORE I pull the trigger!
There is only one kind of dead, but there are many different kinds of wounded.