Originally Posted by Magnumdood
Originally Posted by Steelhead
That would leave you out since you don't hunt. You posting on a question concerning Hunting is akin to JO posting on, well anything.

Don't worry, Burns will be along soon to powder your butt tell you that you're special.

You and Calvin and the rest of the hunting-in-a-zoo-crowd can repeat that until you type those keys blank, and it still doesn't make it true. The absence of one variable doesn't make an outcome valid. I hunt. That's all you and the the happy bunch need to know and are going to get.

3 turkeys in 8 years with a shotgun? You live in IL and no wall hanger of a deer to post? Something ain't right. I would list IL as a state that for nice deer would be hunting in a zoo! Maybe you need to reach out to 300yards for that wall hanger?

Eat Fish, Wear Grundens, Drink Alaskan.