Originally Posted by acooper1983
well being that im a frequent poster on some of the webs nastiest shizen talking websites, id be happy to make polska feel as inadequate as humanly possible. but i suppose he already felt that way when he found out his mom got knocked up in a german gangbang, then got her head shaved and kicked out of her home city, only to end up with a bastard son named polska washed up on americas great door step with the only trade she knows which is earning a dollar or lets be honest any polish broad over thirty aint worth a quarter, on her back. All that being broght to light, i can understand why polska is such a bitter bastard'ed pollack mutt.

hahahahahahahahha, thats the best you got?

Jeszcze Polska nie zginela kiedy my zyjemy,co nam obca przemoc wziela szabla odbierzemy.

Bog, Honor, Ojczyzna