Went to my college friends wedding up on the Kansas/Nebraska border. Those extreme rural farm kids with engineering degrees know how to throw a party.

Anyways, they had a weed-whacker powered blender known as "The Daquiri Whacker", not sure how they coupled it together, but it was a hit.

Almost as good a hit as thier margarita machine. Started with a new garbage disposal (I assume it was new???), mounted a Culligan water bottle to the top of it. Exit of disposal stubbed out a few inches to a 't'. Straight out from the 't' was a ball valve, after the ball valve was an elbow, this was the dispensor. The other leg of the 't' went back to the top of the culligan bottle as a reciculation loop. They'd cut a hatch in the top of the bottle for them to add their mix, ice, and liquor. Flick of the switch and it started making their margaritas. When it was time to serve they'd just open the ball valve a little bit.