Hi guys. I am relatively new to bowhunting, having been a rifle hunter since a kid. I recently moved to an area that is more heavily populated (with people unfortunately...) so I got a bow 2nd hand and have been practicing with it. I am getting pretty comfortable with it so now I am looking at setting up a blind/stand. I am curious what is generally more effective, a ground blind or a tree stand. I can see advantages to both, tree stands being elevated gives you a farther view, but you are more exposed as well. Ground blinds sheild you movements visually, but have decreased visibility. What do you guys recommend? The areas that I will be hunting are treed with larger poplars, some scrub brush, usually overlooking hayland or slough bottoms. Any advice on where to position your stands/blinds would be appreciated as well. I assume that you don't want to be right on a game trail, likely 10-20 yards off of it would be better right? Thanks for the advice guys...


"To be glad of life because it gives you a chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars. To be satisfied with your possessions but not content with yourself until you have made the best of them."
-Henry Van Dyke