So Ringman

What is the plan for the boat/motor, what will work on a small lake of downstream on a slow moving river will only get you into trouble on some waters.
14 foot boat on open water in a wind can provide some entertainment with a smaller electric.

I use a 30 lb thrust Minn Kota mounted almost amidshp on my 15" canoe The handle/control head is reversed and it makes it much easier to bring out of the water in the shallows. I am sure mounting it this ay on the canoe makes it less efficient ( bet there are some experts on thrust and vectors that could calculate and explain it).

I motor and fish upstream in a small river ( pool and shoals) for half a day then use it only for positioning on the float back in the afternoon.

I think the difference in power with a 40 lb motor would be useful, but I'm too CHEAP to buy one to find out.

Works pretty well as it is, but will not overcome current in some areas with just me in the canoe. Some spots I can overcome the current with the addition of paddle power and others I have to get out and drag the rig against the current ( hence my edict always go upstream against the current and float back to the vehicle).

See if you can borrow one first and go from there after testing.

Some spelling errors can be corrected by a vowel movement.