Originally Posted by Swampman700
Originally Posted by Dirtfarmer
Trolls are cowards, hiding behind a computer screen. I don't think they'd say to a man's face what they so often write from the obscurity of their den. They've got to put others down to make themselves look big, at least in their own eyes. They dogmatically spew out information as to appear expert, only to reveal their ineptitude. It's a function of the electronic age, I guess. I like modern gadgets, but cherish the old days when a man was a man and worms didn't dare crawl around in daylight. Even skunks move mostly at night. Daylight skunks, at least in my yard, tend to get blasted. Now, if those skunks just had a computer... eek



I called plenty of folks liars to their face. You're a liar.

What's your one line of wisdom on skunks?

And what have I said that isn't true?