
At our new camp I have space to shoot a .22 safely but I have neighbors that I really don't want to bother (well, except for sneaking out and defacing their Obama bumper sticker whistle ) . I have not looked seriously into a suppressor as the thought of dealing with the bureaucracy in Md then taking the pistol or rifle to WV is just more than I care to deal with. Instead I did some shooting out there with both .22 CB and the Aquila Super Colibri out of my CZ452FS and I think those will be fine so I suspect a .22 short will work fine noise-wise and for punching some paper.

Since it's not much fun to single load I said to myself "self, here's a chance to have some fun with some simple gunsmithing on that old 10/22". Indeed, my first rifle ever is a 10/22 I bought at K-Mart for $89 in 1981 and I haven't shot it in a long time. So, poking around ye-olde interweb I see Volquartson has a conversion kit for the 10/22 ( that may fill the bill.

Next question - does anyone make a barrel for the 10/22 that is actually chambered for the Short? I suspect that shooting a lot of them from a LR chambered barrel would result in a chamber ring that might be tough to clean.

What trigger kit does someone recommend. I can certainly go with Volquartson for this too if folks have good experience with them.

Thoughts? Experiences? Cautions?


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