A long time ago a fellow of some repute said that the Best government is the government that governs least. I think Thomas Jefferson would be appalled as what has become of us. No body is responsible for anything any more. Throw a half a billion dollars into a non business that goes bankrupt right after, and its oh well, sell guns to criminals so that you can get more gun control, and it back fires on you and its oh well, not passing a budget for 1000 days and its oh well. Yea the problem is that nobody is going to go to jail or pay any kind of price for this stuff, but some Marines doing something stupid, thou I have no problem with it, are going to see jail time for taking a whizz. Not like this sort of thing never happened before now!

"Any idiot can face a crisis,it's the day-to-day living that wears you out."

Anton Chekhov