I wasn't a fan of the original X and would be hard pressed to allow one to travel down a good tube anymore. Plus, I used the 175 X out of a 338 WM on elk and just wasn't impressed with the blood trail on one elk in particular. Punched the elk about 125 yds away, bullet was running ab out 3200 out of the 338 WM via R15. 6" fluffy white, and absolutely not one drop of blood, bullet did a thru a thru. Glad we had the white to follow up.

Now the 180 NBT I love, it shoots lights out and will kill like a fiend! I'd buy every one of those I can find. My 338 WSM likes them as does my .340.


"True respect starts with the way you treat others, and it is earned over a lifetime of demonstrating kindness, honor and dignity"....Tony Dungy