thats up to you, it won't make much of a difference.

its hard to come up with a plan based on your pictures, first they are done close to your home using feed, it won't give you an accurate breakdown of the population. in addition to that you selected the pictures to be posted, this creates a bias in the data. couple of things you can do, either set up cameras where you feel you can accurately get a picture of every deer on the place, or randomly select places on the property on a map, point all the cameras in the same direction and put the cameras out at different days for a 24 or 48 hour period. then make an average of what you see. wouldn't stand for a scientific study really, but should get you close to getting an idea of the health of your herd. then you take that, and depending on acreage and laws, then you can try to manage your property. its often extremely hard to do unless you're managing a very large area, or its high fenced.

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.