This is why I found your choice of #4s curious. Frankly, you were very, very lucky to get that many pellets in him at 68yd with #4s given the likely pattern density. Yes, tungsten will pattern tighter, on average, compared to lead other HTL shot. However, it's not enough to overcome the fact that you're shooting #4s of 18g shot, which has far few pellets per ounce than lead.

Why not go with #8s or #9s? To me, and everyone else that I know who shoots tungsten, that's the whole point of going that direction -- dropping shot size to increase pattern density and still retain adequate penetration at extended range. Tungsten #8s offer adequate penetration to 90+yd and #9s to nearly 75yd. Why handcuff yourself with #4s?

Agreed. The whole point of shooting TSS is to drop down to small sized shot like 8's in order to get amazing pattern density without the penetration limitations you would normally suffer with number 8 lead shot. No doubt a TSS number 4 pellet would kill a turkey a hell of a ways out there if it hit a lethal spot but 4's just aren't going to hold a dense pattern nearly as far as 7's, 8's or 9's. So all that energy and power of a TSS 4 is pretty much rendered irrelevant because the pattern with 4's is going to fall apart waaaaaay before the individual number 4 pellets run out of lethal energy. TSS 8's or 9's will hold a lethal pattern way farther than the 4's and kill just as far as they will hold a tight enough pattern.